Mediation Beliefs Held at BCR...
I believe that mediation can help people reach a greater level of contentment. The process of mediation helps people think more clearly about what they want, communicate those wants, and be understood in a way that can lead to a satisfactory resolution of their dilemmas.
Neutrality is at the core of all mediation, but I believe that effective mediation should also include self-determination, respect, and empathy.
▪Neutrality: A mediator operates from a neutral position. Their purpose is not to support one party or another; there is no allegiance.
▪Self-determination: The parties are the experts in their lives and are capable of making decisions regarding their own issues. The mediator's job is simply to help them present and explore their positions, and sort through possible solutions until mutually satisfying decisions are reached.
▪Respect: The mediator can never know as much as the parties do about the issues they bring to the table. The mediator should understand the unique position of the parties as the experts in their lives, and recognize that very few things are a matter of right and wrong.
▪Empathy: The mediator should understand the role that empathetic listening plays in the mediation process. Empathetic listening means being able to recognize, understand and experience the feelings of the clients. When that emotional connection is made, an empathetic mediator is then able to understand what is at the root of the clients' position and is better able to help the parties reach agreements. Satisfaction is greatly enhanced when clients feel heard and understood.